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Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I practice my instrument?
I recommend you practice at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
Do I really need to learn to read sheet music?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: To have a real understanding of how music works and become a versatile musician, learning to read music and learning music theory is essential.
How long will it take me to become a proficient player?
The more you practice, the faster you will see improvement. Generally, you will learn your first song within the first few months of taking lessons.
Can I eat during my lesson?
Only if you bring enough for me.
Should I purchase an electric or acoustic guitar to start out with?
I always recommend starting out on an electric guitar, especially for younger students, due to their ease of use.
Do I need to own my own drum set?
No, but I recommend you buy one as soon as possible, and use 3A or 5A sticks.
Do I need to bring my own amp?
No, amps and cords will be provided.
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